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"A short horror adventure with a surprise ending!"

Embuscade Specifications

DOWNLOADFree (180.79 MB)
Safe Download for PC - Virus & Malware Free
180.79 MB
Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
Rocky Bytes Score
Embuscade is Good!
Software Ranking
221st out of 258

Embuscade Review

Embuscade is a short atmospheric horror adventure game where you wander the streets of a deserted town in the wake of a zombie apocalypse.

Although the whole game can be played through in less than ten minutes it’s a nice little adventure with a twist ending (although you might see that coming off from some distance), to survive you must rummage through trash cans and dumpsters to find morsels of food to survive on because if you let your green heart monitor thing (is it a heart it definitely represents some body part you need to survive just not sure which) then you will die so you must make sure you keep searching for sustenance.

Although a very short experience Embuscade was a very enjoyable one although it would have been nice to have some more interactive parts to the game most of it is about leading up to revealing the twist in the game which you will only be able to find out by playing it.

You can download Embuscade here for free.


Safe free download - Tested Virus and Malware Free

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