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The AShimmy Blog

This blog is informative and useful with some very interesting articles, an article from last year in regards to the threats towards the release of the film “The Interview” was especially informative about North Korea and what the people of the country are told along with being interesting and entertaining.

About The AShimmy Blog

Website: http://www.stillsecureafteralltheseyears.com
The Ashimmy blog is a blog written by Alan Shimel a managing partner and original founder of the CISO group who provide risk and compliance solutions before this he was the Chief strategy officer at SillSecure so he clearly has some knowledge in the field of security. He has a well written and well-designed blog with some great articles and helpful information on keeping yourself and your network secure.
Alan is a well known figure in the security industry and is often sought after for his huge knowledge of web based security, he also has his own podcast “Ashimmy, After All These Years” along with his personal blog he also contributes to the CISO group’s Security.exe blog.