PHASE 1 - Nominee Submissions
PHASE 2 - Voting Period
PHASE 3 - Winners Announced
ideaMaker 3D Slicing
ideaMaker has lots of useful features including pre-defined profiles, repair features to help out with imperfect designs, ability to repair bad meshes, a 64 bit slicing engine to name just a few and is compatible with most desktop 3D printers.
It can support slicing of a range of models even larger and more complex ones.
About ideaMaker 3D Slicing
Website: www.raise3d.com
ideaMaker 3D slicer is a very important piece of software with the popularity of 3D printers on the rise it is necessary to have a good design program to know that your 3D design ideas will work when they come out of the printer and that is where ideaMaker comes in the 3D slicer makes it possible to view how well your designs will work when they come out of the printer before you print them.
It is easy enough to understand for beginners to use but has all the features more advanced users would expect so is appealing to all 3D print designers across the board.
It is an incredibly impressive program with an easy to learn interface making turning your 3D designs in to 3D prints a more simple process than ever before.