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Mouse without borders

With the ability to change multiple computers in to multiple display screens Mouse Without Borders is a great piece of technology which only suffices to make life easier for its users.
Whereas before you would have needed additional software to do this Mouse Without Borders makes it simple and easy to do without the need for extra cables or any fiddly bits.
You can now connect all your devices to be run from the same inputs, the program is available free of charge and is a must for any power users.
Mouse Without Borders Free Download

About Mouse without borders

Website: https://www.microsoft.com
Created in the Microsoft garage an area set aside for personal projects of Microsoft employees Mouse without Borders is the creation of developer Truong Do which after being so successfully received was published under the Microsoft banner.
If you are unfamiliar with Mouse Without Borders it is a program that gives you the ability to run multiple computers (up to 4) on the same wireless network with one set of inputs such as your mouse and keyboard. It makes drag and drop file transfers between the machines incredibly easy and fast.