PHASE 1 - Nominee Submissions
PHASE 2 - Voting Period
PHASE 3 - Winners Announced
Game Awards
Here we have the awards for the Bytes that Rock games nominees, after much deliberation between you, the public and us we have picked out the most brilliant, fun, intriguing and interesting games available.
First in our Game Awards category is the best PC Games, the best games released in the past year we have the most fantastic and exciting titles, these are the games that have brightened our lives, that we have lost hours, days and weeks to because they are just impossible to put down.
Next up is the best Indie Games, the games that lone people or small teams have toiled and troubled to make for your enjoyment for nothing in return except for praise and gratitude (and maybe eventually money) and we have got the most fantastic indie games to be released this past year and with the quality of these games only increasing year on year, there is some really fantastic titles on our list.
Finally in the Game Awards category we have the best Mods for when you want to liven up your favorite game or when you want to try something a bit different here we have the best mods that seek only to improve gameplay or give you some sort of different experience in pre-existing titles.