PHASE 1 - Nominee Submissions
PHASE 2 - Voting Period
PHASE 3 - Winners Announced
Her Story

The game is eerie and intriguing and makes you want to keep playing although I’m not sure if playing is the correct word but makes you want to continue to unravel the mystery.
There is lots of information to be obtained and this is certainly appealing to any budding detectives.
It’s a very interesting and different game and will keep you hooked to find the outcome, it’s really great to see a game so innovative and not what you would expect from a game as such.
This game certainly deserves recognition for not being afraid to try something different, different that works.

About Her Story

Website: http://www.herstorygame.com
Her Story is an innovative and interesting game, it’s a little different from normal games. You have been allowed access to some police video files featuring one woman who’s husband has been murdered and she is a suspect, you must go through the video clip archives and to discover who really was behind the murder.
The game is very cool in that you have to decide what keywords to type in to the police database to try to find the videos that will give you more information.